


Islamism, Jews, and Crusaders Mailing List

In the wake of the events of September 11, 2001 there were extensive discussions about Islam on the original Aristotle list. Although those early discussions did include comparisons of the notions of law in Aristotle and Aquinas with those in Islam, there was a need for a separate list. The Islamism Mailing List was formed in July 2002. A bit later, a companion Islamism Articles Mailing List was set up to keep the main list for focused on discussion.


When we moved to a new home, we adopted the longer name as the old name and several other choices were already taken. And in fact the group's subject matter has covered not just Islamism and Muslim world, but those whom Islamists considers their foreign opponents. "Jews and Crusaders" is taken from Islamist phrasing to cover Israel and Jews and the West and Christianity.


To subscribe the first list, go to the Islamism, Jews, and Crusaders site on Google Groups.


To subscribe to the second list, go to Miscellaneous Mailing List at Google Groups. This list's name has undergone changes for similar reasons. It has in any case become a place not just to post articles related to the Islamism list, but also a place to post article on any subject and to discuss matters not covered by my other lists. For a list of all the lists, go to the Mailing Lists section of this Web site.